Our Funds

Website Background 01 [Flinders St Station Platform]

Alexander Credit Opportunities Fund

A weekly priced fixed income credit fund with over 10 years of track record, low volatility and a stable unit price.

Benchmark: Bloomberg® AusBond Bank Bill Index + 2%
Management Fee: 1.33% pa
Performance Fee: 20.5% of above benchmark return
Minimum Investment: $25,000
Applications: Weekly

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Website Background 08 [Yarra Daytime]

Alexander Credit Income Fund

A diversified portfolio of Australian fixed income credit assets offering daily pricing and a minimum 75% investment grade allocation

Benchmark: Bloomberg® AusBond Bank Bill Index + 1%
Management Fee: 0.65% pa
Minimum Investment: $25,000
Applications: Daily

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To find out more reach out to our friendly team


Economic Updates

Curiously Strong

Posted by Stephen Roberts on Oct 14, 2024 10:51:47 AM

The latest batch of Australian economic readings have been curiously strong going against the...

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Economic Updates Economic Roundup

Economic Roundup - September 2024

Posted by Stephen Roberts on Sep 30, 2024 2:16:09 PM

Economic data released in September again show soft global economic growth and slow progress...

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Economic Updates Market Drivers

Market Drivers - August 2024

Posted by Stephen Roberts on Sep 2, 2024 1:08:02 PM

Risk assets rallied in August and government bond yields fell as key central banks indicated that...

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